The concept is an homage to my recently deceased Mother, and the overarching idea is to demonstrate what shapes our sense of identity, and how even the tiniest judgmental quips influence our self-concept.
The Voice of one's Mother is the Voice inside one's head, nipping at the heels of our conscience, with the little judgmental and also encouraging statements Mothers make to their Kids. 10 short sentences, performed in the voice of my Mom, are individually triggered by a person walking past. The voice may be unique to my own Mother, but the broad stroke has the ring of the Voice familiar to all.
A concept description, written on a simple sheet of paper, is posted for those intrigued enough to wonder where that little voice came from.
An inconspicuous form factor was designed to catch passersby off guard, utilizing confusion & gentle startling as an engagement tool, as well as a metaphor for the topic, the Voice Inside One's Head. I was trying to have the audio feel as though it was coming from nowhere, with a tiny assault on the conscience of the User.
So hiding it in the Hallway of New York University, between 2 Vending Machines made the perfect Sniping Point.